





LINE accountAn account for the LINE app. You need a LINE account to try out the starter app. To create a LINE account, download (opens new window)LINE for iOS or LINE for Android and sign up. For more information about creating a new LINE account, see Create a new account (opens new window)(only available in Japanese) in the LINE user's guide.
ProviderProvider is a concept that describes the person or organization that provides the application. Create a provider on the LINE Developers Console. A LINE user has a different user ID for each provider.
LINE Login channelA channel forms the connection between your app and the LINE Platform. Create a channel within the provider. You need to create a channel for each app. Create a LINE Login channel on the LINE Developers Console.
- If you've never logged in to the LINE Developers Console, you'll be asked to register as a developer first.
-- The steps for creating your LINE Login channel are explained in Step 1: Create your LINE Login channel.
- When creating a LINE Login channel to use a starter app, makes sure you select Web app under App types.
Heroku accountHeroku (opens new window)is a service that offers hosting for web apps. Deploying the starter app to Heroku means you don't need your own server.
Heroku CLIThe Heroku Command Line Interface (CLI) (opens new window)is necessary for using certain Heroku functions.


步骤一:创建Line Login Channel

Channel是应用程序与 LINE 平台连接的通道,第一步要做的就是在控制台为Web Apps创建Channel。

  1. 登录Line开发者控制台

  2. 选择一个Provider,并选择在Channels 选项中选择LINE Login

  3. 填入必填的信息,信息的解释如下:

    ItemRequired?DescriptionLocation displayed to users
    Channel typeThe channel type. Select LINE Login to create your LINE Login Channel.-
    ProviderThe channel's providerPermission consent screen when launching LINE Login or LIFF App
    Region to provide the serviceThe region you want to provide your LINE Login service. One of: JapanThailandTaiwanIndonesia*If you want to provide your service in multiple regions, create a channel for each region.-
    Company or owner's country or regionCountry or region of the company or owner that manage the channelPermission consent screen when launching LINE Login or LIFF App
    Channel iconThe channel's iconPermission consent screen when launching LINE Login or LIFF App
    Channel nameThe channel's name *Channel name can't contain "LINE" or similar strings.Permission consent screen when launching LINE Login or LIFF App
    Channel descriptionThe channel's descriptionPermission consent screen when launching LINE Login or LIFF App
    App typesThe type of app you plan to integrate LINE Login with. One of: Web appMobile app*In the example of deploying a starter app, select Web app.-
    Email addressEmail address to receive important updates about the channel-
    Privacy policy URLSee descriptionThe URL of the app's privacy policy. Required if your provider is a certified provider.Permission consent screen when launching LINE Login or LIFF App
    Terms of use URLThe URL of the app's terms of usePermission consent screen when launching LINE Login or LIFF App
    LINE Developers AgreementRead and agree to the LINE Developers Agreement (opens new window).-
    LY Corporation Privacy PolicySee descriptionRequired only if you've selected Thailand as Region to provide the service. Read and acknowledge LY Corporation Privacy Policy (opens new window).-




接下来通过配置在第一步创建Channel的时候生成的channel ID和channel secret,就可以部署demo程序了

  1. git克隆以下任一项目,第二个比较方便
  1. application.yml中填入第一步创建Channel的时候生成的channel ID和channel secret
  2. 修改com.linecorp.sample.login.infra.http.Client中的http代理端口(V2RayN的是10809)



  1. 进入第一步创建的Channel
  2. 点击Basic setting选项,App types一行勾上Web app
  3. 点击LINE Login选项,填入回调地址(跟application.yml保持一致)


控制台中Basic setting选项的信息解释如下

The Basic settings tab contains basic information about your channel. Here's the information you'll find:

Channel IDUnique identifier for the channel
Region to provide the serviceThe region you want to provide your LINE Login service. You can only set the region when creating a new channel.
Company or owner's country or regionCountry or region of the company or owner that manage the channel
Channel iconThe channel's icon
Channel nameThe channel's name
Channel descriptionThe channel's description
Email addressEmail address to receive important updates about the channel
Privacy policy URLThe URL of the app's privacy policy
Terms of use URLThe URL of the app's terms of use
App typesThe type of app you plan to integrate LINE Login with
PermissionsThe type of user data this channel can access
Channel secretA unique secret key you can use to grant an app access to your channel
Assertion Signing KeyThe UUIDs associated with your assertion signing key pair
Your user IDYour LINE account's user ID
Linked LINE Official AccountYour LINE Official Account linked to this channel. You can only link a LINE Official Account from the same provider.
LocalizationYou can add other languages to provide multi-language support for your channel.
Email address permissionApply for permission to request a user's email using OpenID Connect.
DeleteDelete this channel.


  1. 浏览器进入应用根地址

LINE Login starter app login

  1. 点击按钮,通过提示完成Line登录

  2. 尝试对Token进行操作:

    1. Verify the user access token
    2. Refresh the user access token
    3. Revoke the access token (log out)
  3. 查看控制台拿到的用户信息



